Take a look at the list of topics and click on what appeals to you! If you'd like me to address another topic, please let me know.
It's no longer just teenage girls who are negatively impacted by poor body image. A study shows that many adults are suffering too. Fortunately, there are things we can all do to address the problem and create a more body positive culture for everyone.
I was sucked in by the lure of 'the body beautiful' for most of my life. But, no longer! I now know deep within my bones where happiness truly comes from. Everyone is free to discover this for themselves and enjoy the freedom that comes with this merciful insight.
People often speak with great confidence about what is attractive and what isn't, as if they are referring to objective truths. Don't be taken in!
Your attractiveness can't be reduced to your body's conformity with the so-called 'beauty' standards. And your mind's negative assessment of your appearance isn't as reliable as it seems. Realising the truth of these facts can free you from a lot of insecurity, so you can get on with enjoying intimacy.
When you feel insecure about your body, craving compliments about your appearance can be like an addiction. As you access a more reliable source of wellbeing, the compulsive urge to get external validation will fade.
When we objectify ourselves, we forsake our own hopes, dreams, interests and ambitions to try to satisfy the desires of other people. We do this out of the fear that if we don't, we will be cast aside by the world. But the price we pay - betrayal of who we truly are - is too high.
My experience of healing in the area of body image has not been what I expected. It has been much more wonderful than I could ever have imagined! Here I set out the key changes in perspective that brought about this uplifting shift in my consciousness, and therefore my experience of my body and life in general.
Even though most of us would like our suffering to be magically taken away from us, we're not actually open to the kind of profound change which would make that possible. But the good news is that can change! If you're interested in how people really change, and what helps increase readiness for change, read on!
If seeing a 'terrible' photo of yourself triggers a spiral of obsessive, desperate thinking, please know that you're not alone. However, the good news is that a shift in perspective can take the sting out of this experience and put it back into a healthy perspective.
We have more power than we often realise. When you change, you change the world.
Do you spend ages getting ready to go out? Do you worry a lot about what other people think of the way you look? I did for most of my life. But I'm happy to say I've put all that stress and angst behind me now. Getting dressed is easier when you remember that your body isn't an ornament!
Before I started coaching with Maria, I didn’t think it would be possible for sessions over Zoom to really make any difference to me.
So I was genuinely surprised by how much each session with Maria changed my thoughts, and how that change would impact me the following day.
I was also surprised to see that I really could change my relationship to food and the way I thought about myself.
Before the sessions I had very little hope of becoming free of my "food addiction", but now I feel like I’m about to break free from that restricted life of punishments and hatred.
Maria offers a safe space to talk freely and is very open and understanding, even when it comes to what some people might consider ‘weird’ thoughts.
For me, it often felt like the kind of gentle hug I needed as a small child.
It gave me a better understanding of my history and my actions.
Maria’s coaching is very helpful if you want to learn to love yourself and take better care of yourself.
She also has lots of knowledge on the topic and related topics, and many inspirational mantras and other readings.
I write this as someone who had been to therapy for eating disorders among other things for ten years.
I’ve also had lots of psychiatric treatments, and all those years being in hospital or going to therapy didn’t help me as much as Maria’s coaching.
I have been able to see another truth and love both myself and others more.
Thanks to Maria’s help, I have been able to access the wisdom that I had inside all along – it had just been covered up by painful and misleading beliefs.
Sophia Hector, Sweden
I would recommend Maria to anyone who is struggling with intense emotions and intrusive thoughts.
She is a great listener and is very good at sharing her experiences with anxiety, eating disorders, and body dysmorphic disorder in a way that will help you with your own struggles.
I have had a while to reflect on our conversation and I wish that when I was struggling with my eating disorder and trauma someone would have told me I would be fine if I took a moment to just exist and that I didn’t have to spend every single moment constantly trying to improve myself or work on healing.
It would have made life so much less overwhelming than it felt at the time.
In just one session over Zoom, Maria provided me with insight that changed my perspective on things in a meaningful way.
I thought I understood what it meant to live in the moment, but I honestly did not.
This lack of understanding of what it means to just let yourself exist in the moment is at the root of my anxiety.
I did not think I could have a life free from anxiety, but talking to Maria made me see that I really can if I let go of the conditioning that I impose upon myself.
What I appreciated the most about our conversation was that she encouraged me to reflect on my thoughts and experiences in a way that felt empowering.
When I walked away, I did not feel like I had a list of things I needed to do before I will be OK like I did when I would leave my therapist's office.
I felt like I am OK right now and I really needed that.
Erika Steele, Alabama, U.S.A.
Collaborating with Maria as my coach/guide was truly transformative.
Maria's profound listening created a space where I felt genuinely supported and cared for throughout our journey.
Whenever I encountered obstacles, she skillfully guided me toward alternative perspectives, opening my eyes to new possibilities.
Maria's non-judgmental approach allowed me to express myself freely, and through her insightful questions, I discovered solutions that were previously hidden.
Her presence is gentle and inviting, yet her commitment to helping others is both authentic and powerful.
I wholeheartedly recommend working with Maria; she will empower you to reach the next level in pursuit of your aspirations.
Siarra Decomi, Arizona, U.S.A.
Maria has been a joy to work with and has shared a good deal of valuable information and resources that I will be referring back to for a long time.
Her careful listening and gentle, insightful responses have very positively impacted my life, mind, thoughts, and heart. I'm having night dreams of transformation of myself.
Today I shared some of the information with a friend who was able to relate to it immediately, and to feel differently about the coming anniversary of his daughter's suicide.
This work has far-reaching implications, and I am very appreciative to have this opportunity to experience and benefit from it.
Dr. N.S. Goodman, Missouri, U.S.A.
Dear Maria, Thank you for your time and for providing a space for me to talk and reflect on things I've been struggling with.
I found it easy to talk to you and at no point felt like you were 'interrogating' me or manipulating the conversation.
You were gentle and patient but also warm and encouraging.
I liked that you made yourself human too and allowed me a glimpse of some of your struggles.
I am grateful for our sessions and feel they have helped me find some inner peace and now feel able to reflect on things in a more positive way.
T.H., Devon, U.K.
Thank you, Maria, for sharing your insights with me and being a listening ear.
You have helped me to see clarity again whilst I had been overworked and almost burned out.
Thank you for your warmth, wisdom, kindness, and most of all, time.
Maria is a true beacon of light and has so much to offer in her divine service.
Thank you.
Sarah, Cheshire, U.K.
I have had the pleasure of working with Maria as my coach for the last several months.
She is very kind and understanding.
It is very clear that she has had some major insights around the understanding of how our thoughts create our feelings, especially when it comes to food issues and body image.
She was helpful in pointing me in the direction of not taking my conditioned thinking too serious and directing me back towards my inner guidance and following my wisdom.
I would recommend her as a coach for anyone who is struggling.
E.H., Florida, U.S.A.
Maria helps people who struggle with body image or have body dysmorphia and is absolutely amazing at what she does. Her blog posts and free eBook are helping me and I've just been to her online workshop which was really enjoyable! She can help bring a healthier relationship to our own bodies and bring more acceptance and self love into our lives.
Mike Unsworth, U.K.Workshop Attendee
Maria creates a beautiful, safe, and non-judgemental loving space for people healing from body image issues. Thank you Maria!
Danielle Desiree, U.S.A.Workshop Attendee
I was unsure what to expect when I saw these workshops, but I have had the opportunity to see so much in myself and how I view my physical form. Maria is so lovely; looking from her own experience and others enabled me to reflect on myself, to see the similarity in my thinking about my body. I am starting to understand myself more and where my views of my body come from. All this within a lovely, caring safe space. Thank you.
Mic, Isle of WightWorkshop Attendee
Thank you so much for everything you do! Thank you for the safe space you create with your Zoom meetings. It's incredible how like-minded individuals meet and share similar experiences and how insightful that is. You know I have been around the understanding of the three principles for a while now and because nothing is accidental, I stumbled across you... And something instantly clicked... Your energy, your calmness, your understanding is so uplifting and it's a joy to be around you! The insights you share are so valuable and I resonate with everything you share! Thank you for bringing light, Maria!
Stela Rafailova, Torquay, U.K.Workshop Attendee
The body image workshops are helping me to rethink about my body and how society places unrealistic standards on image that is very unhealthy. Maria provides a safe environment to discuss sensitive topics and lends great advice and guidance to help you learn to love exactly who you are.
Kellie, Vermont, U.S.A.Workshop Attendee
I dropped into Maria’s workshops because I had been noticing sad thoughts about the increased size of my body. I was starting to think daily about what I could do to get fitter and healthier and starting to feel disappointed in myself for not moving more and eating better whenever I saw my body in the shower or was feeling uncomfortable in a chair. I knew I needed insights, not outside motivation and willpower. After just a few workshops of being in the kind and interesting conversations, it clicked in my mind - 'well of course my body has changed while I’ve been unwell, and as I recover and increase my health then my body will most likely change again.' I was reminded that my lifestyle decisions and recovery journey will be wise for me and my body when my mood is not lowered by untrue thinking but when I’m ok in the now. Maria gently challenges our thinking and I’ve enjoyed noticing my thoughts about beauty in others.
Leah Hobson, Barnard Castle, U.K.Workshop Attendee
I absolutely loved the workshops with Maria that I attended. I love the way she shares the three principles understanding in relation to body image. It’s really helped me to relax about the way I look. Conforming to current beauty standards has always been difficult and I love the possibility that this is no longer required. Already I feel a sense of freedom in that.
Julie, ScotlandWorkshop Attendee
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