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I was sucked in by the lure of 'the body beautiful' for most of my life. But, no longer! I now know deep within my bones where happiness truly comes from. Everyone is free to discover this for themselves and enjoy the freedom that comes with this merciful insight.
People often speak with great confidence about what is attractive and what isn't, as if they are referring to objective truths. Don't be taken in!
Your attractiveness can't be reduced to your body's conformity with the so-called 'beauty' standards. And your mind's negative assessment of your appearance isn't as reliable as it seems. Realising the truth of these facts can free you from a lot of insecurity, so you can get on with enjoying intimacy.
When you feel insecure about your body, craving compliments about your appearance can be like an addiction. As you access a more reliable source of wellbeing, the compulsive urge to get external validation will fade.
When we objectify ourselves, we forsake our own hopes, dreams, interests and ambitions to try to satisfy the desires of other people. We do this out of the fear that if we don't, we will be cast aside by the world. But the price we pay - betrayal of who we truly are - is too high.
My experience of healing in the area of body image has not been what I expected. It has been much more wonderful than I could ever have imagined! Here I set out the key changes in perspective that brought about this uplifting shift in my consciousness, and therefore my experience of my body and life in general.
Even though most of us would like our suffering to be magically taken away from us, we're not actually open to the kind of profound change which would make that possible. But the good news is that can change! If you're interested in how people really change, and what helps increase readiness for change, read on!
If seeing a 'terrible' photo of yourself triggers a spiral of obsessive, desperate thinking, please know that you're not alone. However, the good news is that a shift in perspective can take the sting out of this experience and put it back into a healthy perspective.
We have more power than we often realise. When you change, you change the world.
Do you spend ages getting ready to go out? Do you worry a lot about what other people think of the way you look? I did for most of my life. But I'm happy to say I've put all that stress and angst behind me now. Getting dressed is easier when you remember that your body isn't an ornament!
Many people all over the world take pleasure in adorning their bodies with colour. It can be a wonderful celebration of the beauty of life. But for many, makeup can turn into a mask to hide their perceived inadequacy.