1 min read

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Every night I lie down with so many thoughts swirling round my head.

It’s a miracle I ever fall asleep

When I cling so tightly to them,

In thrall to their every twist and turn.

Thank you body for making me rest in spite of myself!

Many people fall asleep; some of us need to be pushed!

Either way, I’ll see you there,

In the land where we can meet the dead and the unborn,

Where we can fly,

The only place where we can walk in someone else’s shoes by becoming them;

Where clear, solid separate identities dissolve and the rules of time, space and matter vanish.

And when we return, we’re not the same.

We know more.

We’ve seen differently.

We’ve been educated in ways we’ll never understand.

We let go of the reins, and awake enriched.

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